Monday, May 25, 2020

Unexpected Virus Outcomes

Well, it's certainly been a while since I've posted on this blog. That doesn't mean that I haven't been jotting down the interesting sightings we all encounter in daily life. I've just been compiling then on a Word document only seen by me and I haven't even dedicated that much time to that. I'm trying to figure out why. And, I think this might be it. As much as I love writing when I'm on a roll, it is a lot of work. Those of you who also have this passion may know exactly what I mean. You need to get in the zone, examine your thoughts to see if the right ones are dancing from your brain, down your arms, into your fingertips, onto the keyboard and then magically appearing on that marvelous computer screen. Now, while this work is enjoyable, I have a full-time job and when it comes to my down time on the weekends, I like to lose myself in a book. I'm currently reading the Outlander series and for those of you out there who are also committed to these addicting tomes, you know how much time it can take. Good time but still time. But that urge to jot down thoughts and hopefully get your comments and reactions gave me such a sense of joy that I thought, let's get into this again.

First up, who isn't thinking about COVID-19? Also, you may be sick of hearing about the sickness. But I must say I find the changes because of it curious. With grocery stores being limited on items, you can't be choosy. So, this means having to alter your usual product choice. For instance, my husband came home with Grey Poupon, you know that fancy mustard that the guy in the limo eats? Well, we're not Grey Poupon people. We are store brand Dijon mustard people. Out of necessity, I committed to this fanciness when making salad dressing. I hope I don't become an elitist. Then, there's the open toilet paper discussion. I couldn't believe I was in a team meeting (remote, of course) and my boss started the meeting off by saying he had to go to the store that morning due to a toilet paper emergency. We could all sympathize. Had you asked me four months ago if I'd ever discuss toilet paper with my male boss, it would have been a firm no.

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